Workout At Home With Bench
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5 Best Exercises For A Full-Body Workout At Home With Bench

Ditch the crowded gym and transform your living room into a muscle-sculpting haven!

Ready to discharge your inner fitness warrior with effective workouts at home with a bench?

Forget expensive memberships and limited equipment; a simple bench is your way to a full-body workout that rivals any gym session.

In this blog, we’ll walk you through 5 killer exercises that will leverage your trusty bench to strengthen and tone every major muscle group.

So, grab your dumbbells, fire up your playlist, and prepare to experience the power of an effective and convenient workout at home with a bench.

Embrace The Bench: Why Working Out with a Bench at Home Rocks

Why Working Out with a Bench at Home Rocks
Why Working Out with a Bench at Home Rocks

Who says you need a fancy gym membership and a room full of equipment to get a killer workout?

Believe it or not, your humble all-in-one weight bench at home can deliver an effective full-body workout session, leaving you absolutely beat.

With a workout bench, you unlock a world of convenience, affordability, and incredible versatility, all within the comfort of your living room.

The beauty of a weight bench lies in its ability to transform into a multi-functional training station.

Forget bulky machines that target specific muscle groups; with a dumbbell set and your bench, you can engage your entire upper body and lower body (including legs, lower back, and abs) through a diverse range of exercises.

Want to achieve toned biceps with bicep curls with dumbbells?

No problem!

Craving a powerful chest press to strengthen your pecs? Easy as pie with an adjustable weight bench.

Yearning for sculpted glutes and defined hamstrings? Look no further than the challenging Bulgarian Split Squat, performed with just one foot on the bench. Or a Bodyweight Hip Thrust using a bench as your support.

There’s much more to working out with a bench at home and this blog will give you exactly 5 exercises that’ll give you a full body pump in no time.

Let’s begin working out!

1. The Dumbbell Bench Press: Sculpt a Powerful Chest!

The Dumbbell Bench Press
The Dumbbell Bench Press

Ready to carve out a powerful and empowering chest for an irresistible upper body definition?

The dumbbell bench press is the one for you, I mean your chest!

The dumbbell press is a fundamental bench exercise that targets multiple muscle groups for a comprehensive workout, making it a compound movement.

This weight bench exercise hits your chest, shoulders, and triceps, making it a must-have in your weight bench workout checklist.

The dumbbell chest press targets the following muscles:

  • Pectoralis major (chest)
  • Deltoids (shoulders)
  • Triceps brachii

Key Points for Perfect Form:

i. Proper Setup:

  • Adjust your weight bench to a flat position.
  • Lie down on the bench with your back flat and core engaged.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Position the dumbbells directly above your shoulders with your arms slightly bent.

iI. Controlled Movement:

  • Exhale and press the dumbbells straight up towards the ceiling, focusing on contracting your chest muscles.
  • Keep your elbows slightly flared out and avoid locking them at the top of the movement.
  • Lower the dumbbells slowly and with control back down to the starting position, just above your chest.
  • Inhale as you lower the weights.

iII. Maintaining Proper Form:

  • Keep your lower back pressed firmly into the bench throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid arching your back or raising your hips off the bench.
  • Don’t use momentum to lift the weights. Focus on feeling the contraction in your chest and triceps.


  • Stronger and more defined chest muscles
  • Improved upper body definition and strength
  • Increased calorie burn for overall fitness goals

Remember, proper form is essential for maximizing results and minimizing injury risk.

Start with lighter weights, focus on technique, and gradually increase the weight as you progress.

Get ready to witness the transformative power of the dumbbell bench press on your chest, shoulders, and triceps!

2. The Dumbbell Row: Build a Back You Can Be Proud Of!

The Dumbbell Row Workout At Home With Bench
The Dumbbell Row Workout At Home With Bench

Ready to develop a powerful and dominant v-tapered back and flaunt impressive posture?

The Dumbbell Row will pump up your back like no other exercise.

The dumbbell row exercise is a dynamic movement that you can perform using the help of a bench.

This movement will target your entire back musculature, biceps, and core for a fulfilling upper body workout.

This exercise is a must-have in your weight bench workout log if you want a strong and stable back.

Dumbbell rows primarily target the following muscles:

  • Latissimus dorsi (lats
  • Trapezius (upper back)
  • Rhomboids (mid-back)
  • Biceps brachii
  • Core muscles (stabilizers)

Key Points for Perfect Form:

i. Neutral Spine:

  • Stand facing the bench with one knee and hand firmly on it for support.
  • Keep your other foot flat on the ground with your core engaged and back straight.
  • Maintain a neutral spine throughout the movement, avoiding slouching or arching your back.

iI. Controlled Rowing Motion:

  • Hold a dumbbell in your free hand with a neutral grip (palm facing your body).
  • Keeping your elbow close to your torso, exhale and row the dumbbell towards your hip, squeezing your lats at the top of the movement.
  • Think about pulling your elbow back, rather than lifting the weight with your arm.

iII. Engage Your Core:

  • Throughout the movement, keep your core engaged to maintain stability and prevent your lower back from arching.

iv. Repeat and Switch Sides:

  • Slowly lower the dumbbell back down to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps.
  • Switch sides and repeat the movement with the other arm.


  • Stronger and more defined back muscle
  • Improved posture and core stability
  • Enhanced pulling strength and athletic performance
  • Reduced risk of back pain and injuries

Always remember to perform the movement with proper form to ensure muscle hypertrophy and minimize risk.

Begin with lighter weights, focus on technique, and gradually increase the weight as you progress.

Get ready to witness the dumbbell rows’ effectiveness on your back, biceps, and core!

3. The Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press: Build Boulder Shoulders!

The Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press Workout At Home With Bench
The Incline Dumbbell Shoulder Press Workout At Home With Bench

Ready to cap off your full-body bench workout with an exercise that will build well-rounded and defined shoulders and enhance your upper body definition?

The incline dumbbell shoulder press will help you develop boulder shoulders!

While the barbell or military press is popular amongst bodybuilders and powerlifters, the incline dumbbell shoulder press is better for beginners and for those who want to target the shoulders, core, and upper back, while focusing on fixing imbalances and building strength.

The muscles targeted in this movement include:

  • Deltoids (anterior, medial, and posterior)
  • Triceps brachii (secondary)
  • Core muscles (stabilizers)
  • Upper back muscles (secondary)

Key Points for Perfect Form:

i. Incline Setup:

  • Set your adjustable weight bench to an incline of 30-45 degrees.
  • Sit back firmly with your core engaged and back straight.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Start with the dumbbells at shoulder level, elbows bent at a 90-degree angle.

ii. Controlled Overhead Press:

  • Exhale and press the dumbbells straight overhead, focusing on contracting your shoulder muscles.
  • Keep your elbows slightly in front of your body and avoid locking them at the top of the movement.
  • Lower the dumbbells slowly and with control back down to the starting position.
  • Inhale as you lower the weights.

iii. Core Engagement:

  • Throughout the movement, maintain a neutral spine and a strong core engagement.
  • Avoid arching your back or raising your hips off the bench.


  • Stronger and more defined shoulder
  • Improved upper body definition and strength
  • Increased flexibility and range of motion in the shoulders
  • Enhanced core stability and engagement

We cannot stress enough that mastering proper form is crucial for the effectiveness of any movement along with injury prevention.

Always start with lighter weights to get yourself familiar with the movement.

Focus on technique, and gradually increase the weight as you gain strength.

Get ready to build impressive shoulder definition with this powerful bench exercise!

4. The Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl: Build Biceps That Pop!

The Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl Workout At Home With Bench
The Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl Workout At Home With Bench

Let’s start with an iconic exercise that builds those head-turning biceps.

The incline dumbbell bicep curl not only strengthens your biceps but also engages your forearms for a well-rounded upper-body workout.

The muscles targeted with the incline dumbbell bicep curl include:

  • Biceps brachii (both short and long heads)
  • Brachialis
  • Forearms (flexors)

Key Points for Perfect Form:

i. Starting Position:

  • Adjust your weight bench to an incline of 30-45 degrees.
  • Sit back firmly with your core engaged and back straight.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip (palms facing each other).
  • Let your arms hang naturally at your sides with a slight bend in your elbows.

iI. Lifting and Lowering:

  • Exhale and curl the dumbbells towards your shoulders, focusing on contracting your biceps.
  • Keep your upper arms stationary and avoid swinging the weights.
  • Squeeze your biceps at the top of the movement for a second before slowly lowering the dumbbells back down to the starting position.
  • Inhale as you lower the weights with control.

iII. Maintaining Proper Form:

  • Don’t use momentum to lift the weights. Focus on feeling the contraction in your biceps throughout the movement.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in close to your body throughout the exercise.
  • Avoid leaning back excessively at the top of the curl.


  • Stronger and more defined biceps
  • Improved grip strength
  • Increased upper body definition

Remember, mastering proper form is crucial to maximizing the benefits and minimizing the risk of injury.

So, start light, focus on technique, and gradually increase the weight as you gain strength.

Get ready to unleash those sculpted biceps with this powerful bench exercise!

5. The Bulgarian Split Squat: Forge Strong Legs & Core!

The Bulgarian Split Squat Workout At Home With Bench
The Bulgarian Split Squat Workout At Home With Bench

Ready to develop strong legs and a rock-solid core with just your weight bench?

Enter The Bulgarian Split Squat, a challenging yet rewarding bench-assisted exercise that targets your lower body and core simultaneously.

This unilateral exercise provides incredible benefits for stability, balance, and overall leg strength.

The muscles targeted in this movement include:

  • Quadriceps (quads)
  • Gluteus maximus (glutes)
  • Hamstrings (secondary)
  • Core muscles (stabilizers)

Key Points for Perfect Form:

i. Starting Position:

  • Place one foot behind you, resting firmly on the bench. The other foot should be positioned several steps forward.
  • Stand tall with your core engaged and back straight.
  • Keep your arms raised straight out in front of you for balance.

iI. Controlled Lowering:

  • Exhale and slowly lower your body down as if you’re going to sit in a chair. Focus on keeping your front knee directly above your ankle and avoid letting it cave inwards.
  • Descend until your back knee nearly touches the ground.

iII. Engaging Core:

  • Throughout the movement, maintain a neutral spine and a strong core engagement.
  • Avoid leaning forward or arching your back.

iv. Push Up and Repeat:

  • Push through your front heel to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat the movement for the desired number of reps before switching legs.


  • Stronger and more defined quads and glutes
  • Improved core stability and engagement
  • Enhanced balance and coordination
  • Increased functional strength for everyday activities

Again, always remember that mastering proper form is crucial for getting the best results.

Commence with lighter weights or no weight at all, focus on balance and technique, and gradually increase the difficulty as you gain strength.

Get ready to feel the burn in your legs and core with this powerful bench-supported movement!


You’ve completed our 5-exercise full-body bench workout.

But wait, we’re not letting you off that easy, there’s more in store for you!

Bonus Exercises: Take Your Bench Workouts to the Next Level!

Feeling like you’ve mastered the 5 exercises that we’ve covered?

Ready to crank up the intensity and train your full body even harder?

Here are 3 bonus exercises you can add to your workout at-home routine with just dumbbells and a bench:

1. Incline Dumbbell Chest Press:

Incline Dumbbell Chest Press Workout At Home With Bench
Incline Dumbbell Chest Press Workout At Home With Bench

a. Target Muscles: Chest, shoulders, triceps

b. Benefits: Builds powerful chest muscles, improves upper body definition, and increases strength and stability.

c. Key Points:

  • Adjust your bench to an incline of 30-45 degrees.
  • Lie back with your core engaged and back straight.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip.
  • Press the dumbbells straight up, squeezing your chest muscles at the top.

Slowly lower the weights back down with control.

2. Goblet Squat:

Goblet Squat Using Workout At Home With Bench
Goblet Squat Using Workout At Home With Bench

a. Target Muscles: Quads, glutes, hamstrings, core

b. Benefits: Strengthens lower body muscles, improves balance and stability, and works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

c. Key Points:

  • Hold a dumbbell vertically in front of your chest with both hands
  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and toes slightly pointed outwards.
  • Lower your body as if sitting back in a chair, keeping your core engaged and back straight.
  • Descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground or as low as comfortably possible.
  • Place a bench beside you to sit on the bench as you descend to avoid knee strain.
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position.

3. Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row:

Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row Workout At Home With Bench
Chest-Supported Dumbbell Row Workout At Home With Bench

a. Target Muscles: Back, biceps, core

b. Benefits: Strengthens back muscles and core, improves posture and stability, and provides isolated focus on back muscles.

c. Key Points:

  • Set your exercise bench to a flat position.
  • Lie face down on the bench with your chest resting on the pad and your head hanging slightly off the edge.
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand with a neutral grip and arms hanging straight down.
  • Pull the dumbbells towards your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together.
  • Lower the dumbbells back down with control until your arms are straight.
  • Maintain a stable core throughout the movement.

Tips To Remember:

  • Start light and gradually increase the weight as you get stronger.
  • Focus on proper form to maximize results and minimize injury risk.
  • Listen to your body and lower the weight or take rest days if needed.
  • Consult your physician before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any health concerns.

These bonus exercises are just a taste of the possibilities with a simple workout bench.

By incorporating these and other variations into your routine, you can create a functional strength training workout that challenges the total body and helps you reach your fitness goals.

Your Home Gym Hero: Wrap-Up and Next Steps


You’ve conquered our full-body bench workout and unlocked the potential of your trusty weight bench.

With just a few dumbbells and the dedication to sweating it out, you’ve transformed your living room into a muscle-sculpting haven.

Remember, these exercises offer incredible benefits for your:

  • Strength: Build powerful chest, back, legs, shoulders, and core muscles for improved performance and everyday function.
  • Definition: Sculpt toned biceps, triceps, glutes, and hamstrings for a physique you’re proud to flaunt.
  • Stability & Balance: Enhance core engagement and stability with exercises that challenge your balance and coordination.
  • Convenience & Affordability: Ditch the gym membership and crowded weight racks, enjoying the flexibility and cost-effectiveness of working out at home.

But also remember, this is just the beginning!

To maximize your progress and tailor the workout to your unique needs, keep these points in mind:

  • Adjust the Intensity: Don’t be afraid to adjust the weight, sets, and reps based on your fitness level. Start light and gradually increase the challenge as you get stronger.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pushing yourself is great, but prioritize proper form and listen to your body’s signals. Take rest days when needed and lower the weight if you experience pain.
  • Seek Professional Guidance: If you’re new to exercise or have any health concerns, consult a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program. They can help you create a safe and effective workout plan tailored to your specific needs.

Keep in mind that consistency is key!

By incorporating these bench exercises into your routine 2-3 times per week, you’ll be well on your way to achieving your fitness goals and sculpting a physique that turns heads.

So, keep up the hard work, embrace the power of your home gym hero, and witness the incredible transformation that awaits!

Author’s Opinion: Why the Humble Bench Reigns Supreme

As a fitness enthusiast who’s experimented with various gym memberships, fancy equipment, and trendy workout fads, I can confidently say that the weight bench remains my most prized possession.

It’s more than just a piece of equipment; it’s a gateway to a full-body sculpting experience that rivals any gym, all within the comfort and convenience of my own home.

Here’s why I believe the at-home bench workout deserves a standing ovation:

  • Firstly, it’s about accessibility. Not everyone has the time, budget, or even desire to join a gym. The beauty of the bench lies in its simplicity. With minimal investment and space, you unlock a world of exercise possibilities, empowering you to take control of your fitness journey on your terms.
  • Secondly, it’s about versatility. Forget the limitations of single-function machines. The bench transforms into a multi-functional training station, targeting every major muscle group with a diverse range of exercises. From sculpted biceps and powerful chest presses to defined glutes and sculpted hamstrings, your bench becomes your partner in sculpting a well-rounded physique.
  • Thirdly, it’s about personalization. Unlike the structured environment of a gym, your home workout allows you to personalize your routine to your unique needs and preferences. No more waiting for equipment or feeling intimidated by crowds. You control the music, the pace, and the intensity, creating a workout that aligns with your fitness goals and keeps you motivated.
  • Finally, it’s about building confidence. As you master each exercise and witness your body transform your confidence soars. The bench becomes a symbol of your dedication and self-discipline, reminding you that achieving your fitness goals is possible, right from the comfort of your own home.

Embrace the power of the bench. It’s more than just equipment; it’s a step towards empowerment, self-improvement, discipline, and a physique you can be proud of.


Q1. What if I don’t have dumbbells? Can I still get a good workout with just a bench?

A: Absolutely! While dumbbells offer versatility, you can leverage your body weight and the bench for various exercises. Push-ups, dips, step-ups, and lunges are excellent bodyweight options that target different muscle groups. You can even get creative with household items like water jugs or backpacks filled with books for added resistance.

Q2. My apartment is small. Is there enough space for a bench workout?

A: Most definitely! The beauty of bench exercises is that they require minimal space compared to full-blown gym equipment. Opt for a foldable bench for easy storage, and utilize open areas like living rooms or bedrooms for your workout zone. Remember, it’s not about the size of your space, but the effectiveness of your movements.

3. I’m a beginner. Are these exercises safe and suitable for me?

A: Most of the exercises mentioned are beginner-friendly, but starting with proper form is crucial. Start with bodyweight variations or lighter weights, focusing on controlled movements and engaging your core. Don’t hesitate to modify exercises or take breaks as needed. If you have any concerns, consult a healthcare professional or certified personal trainer for personalized guidance.

4. How often should I be working out with the bench to see results?

A: Aim for 2-3 workouts per week with at least one rest day in between. Consistency is key! As you progress, you can gradually increase the frequency or intensity of your workouts. Remember, listen to your body and adjust your routine accordingly.

5. I get bored easily with repetitive exercises. How can I keep my bench workouts exciting?

A: There are endless possibilities with a bench! Explore different exercise variations, adjust sets and reps, incorporate plyometric exercises for an added challenge, or even try partner workouts for some friendly competition. You can also find online resources and workout programs specifically designed for bench workouts, keeping your routine fresh and engaging.

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